What to expect

  • Watch videos from other people looking for a co-founder.

    Possibly find yourself thinking "oh my god I'm nowhere near as talented as them, what am I even doing here. That's normal. Push through that and connect with people anyway.

  • Get in touch with people you get a good feeling about.

    "What if I make a total fool of myself when I talk to them." That's normal. Push through and contact them anyway.

  • We'll give you a list of little things to build and fun experiments to make it super easy to see if you work well together.

    Be fairly amazed that the person you connected with is actually incredibly nice and normal and kinda just like you.

    Then think "oh cr*p, what do we do now? Neither of us has a flipping clue about building a business and how to hell do you know if this person is right to build something with?" Again, perfectly normal.

    You'll get a much better and faster idea of whether you work well together by actually building something together rather than just talking.

Watch videos from other people looking for a co-founder.

Possibly find yourself thinking "oh my god I'm nowhere near as talented as them, what am I even doing here. That's normal. Push through that and connect with people anyway.

Get in touch with people you get a good feeling about.

Sh*t yourself in the process and be thinking "what if I make a total fool of myself when I talk to them." That's normal. Push through and contact them anyway.

We'll give you a list of little things to build and fun experiments to make it super easy to see if you work well together.

Be fairly amazed that the person you connected with is actually incredibly nice and normal and kinda just like you.

Then think "oh cr*p, what do we do now? Neither of us has a flipping clue about building a business and how to hell do you know if this person is right to build something with?" Again, perfectly normal.

You'll get a much better and faster idea of whether you work well together by actually building something together rather than just talking.